Christmas in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, Chinese Christians celebrate Christmas with Church services in Chinese. At the Anglican Cathedral, some services are held in English, because Europeans who live and work in Hong Kong attend them as well as people from Hong Kong. The services in Chinese and English are held at different times of the day. Christians in Hong Kong love to sing carols and also visit the Christmas markets.
In Hong Kong, people also send Christmas cards. They're normally bought in shops, although a few people still like to make them using Chinese craft techniques.
Poinsettias flowers, tinsel, Christmas lights and Nativity scenes decorate homes, churches and public places.
There is a street in Hong Kong that, in the run up to Christmas, sells only Christmas Trees and other plants. Christmas Trees are especially popular with Christians in Hong Kong.
In Hong Kong, /Santa is most commonly called Santa Claus or Father Christmas. In Cantonese he is known as "Sing Daan Lou Yan" (Christmas Old Man) although most people use English to refer to him.
Every year in Hong Kong there is a 'Winterfest'. It's a huge winter party that involves the shops, theme parks and other attractions in Hong Kong.
Winterfest is also famous for its New Year's countdown and displays of lights and fireworks all over the city. These are really spectacular and light up all the skyscrapers and buildings. Here's a clip of a laser and light show from 2007 (link will take you to Find out more about Winterfest (goes to another site).